Monday, January 6, 2020

Math Games and Climbing Wall

We had a nice start to a calm and normal week here at school, well except that they got the climb the walls in gym! More on that below...

They received their 2 new muscle words for this week; want & went. Please help your child practice these this week. These can be very tricky to read and write as they are so similar. 

During math today, the children learned 2 new math games

Roll, Add & Cover
 The students began by playing this game on their own to practice rolling and adding. Today they played it as a partner game and "raced" to see who could fill their board first with pattern block shapes. This can be played with dot dice or number dice to differentiate. 
 Numbers Uncover
 Today we played this game as a whole class. The students played against me under the Elmo. You start by putting a cube on each of your numbers. The first person to get all of the cubes off their side wins!

Double Numbers Uncover
And for a little added challenge...

The students started their climbing unit in P.E. today!

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Google Classroom Here We Come!

We are moving to Google Classroom! Effective April 20th, 2020, all of your child's assignment can be found on the CES Kindergarten...