Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Kindergarten Update 1/22/20

I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I have updated everyone of what is happening here at school!

* New muscle words: like & love

* Math: The children have had a lot of opportunities to practice their addition and subtraction skills. This weeks focus has been on mixing it up. They are now seeing addition and subtraction problems together so they must first identify the symbol and apply the appropriate strategy. 
                                               Image result for plus

* Writing: They are still plugging away at opinion writing. Stating their opinion and giving a reason why they feel that way is the name of the game. Sometimes this involves a longer more formal format and sometimes we just practice on whiteboards. Here are a few snapshots for a quick activity we did the other day. 

 *Reading: It has been so nice to start meeting with students on a regular basis to give them more individualized reading instruction and new books. Today, I was able to complete the text level portion of our literacy assessments that are given 3 times per year. It was so fun to read with everyone 1 on 1 and see the progress that they have made!

* Upcoming Important Dates:
January 31- Celebration of Learners Assembly @ 8:10am
February 7th- No School- Inservice Day
February 12th-100th Day of School
February 24th- March 3rd- Winter Vacation

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Google Classroom Here We Come!

We are moving to Google Classroom! Effective April 20th, 2020, all of your child's assignment can be found on the CES Kindergarten...